As you know, I am Brand Ambassador for the Forge Ahead Initiative. They have eight bands signed up already, but there's room for two more and they are seeking candidate bands now. To qualify, bands must be:
Average band age 27 or under
Rock/Metal/Southern Rock
Have potential for excellence in all aspects of the business
Although not essential, the Initiative would be particularly pleased to receive applications from bands South of the Midlands and North of Sheffield, as they'd like to spread the word to a wider geographical demographic.
Every application will be given equal opportunity, if all criteria are met. The initiative will gladly accept EPKs (preferred), biogs, images, Wavs/MP3s.
I would be hugely grateful if you could put the word out on this! Bands wishing to get involved should contact the Initiative by EMAIL for further details.
C'mon guys - I'm sure you know someone who fits the bill! xxx
